Sunday, January 17, 2010

Summer Freshness During Winter Season*

I was thinking these days when will summer come again. I miss the hot days and the fresh cocktails that gives you an ethereal sensation and cools your body and mind like the breeze on the beach. I know it is winter season but I crave for this feeling NOW ! So I came up with this drink and I believe that...
many people have not experienced such a flavor before and never will because of the unique bulgarian yogurt! Okay here is the recipe (by the way this concoction gives me some more ideas for drinks):

Summer Freshness During Winter

Ingredients :
60-80 ml Vodka 80 or 100 proof (don't use your premium brand, it's not a vodka martini)
2 spoons (plain) yogurt
1/3 peeled cucumber (or so it depends how big it is / you decide)
juice of a half grapefruit

Put some ice in your glass to pre-chill it. In your mixing glass pour the vodka, cut the cucumber on little pieces and put them with the vodka and use your muddler, but just press only few times (hard). Fill your tin with looots of lots of ice (like we know "ice is nice") and add the yogurt, the vodka WITH the cucumber pieces and squeeze the grapefruit. Shake vigorously (I love that word). Dispose of the ice in the glass and double strain. I think it doesn't need a garnish, but it's awesome to crunch a fresh cucumber piece after you finish your drink.

Warn the people to drink with caution ... it can be quite deceiving :)

Cheers !

*(Edited cuz there is already a drink called Whiteout which is Gin-based)

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