Friday, February 5, 2010

Using the molecular mixology

A not so long ago - in 1988 the term "Molecular and Physical Gastronomy" was introduced by Nicholas Kurti and Herve This - some strange people which I really don't care how and why they decide to do that. I am sure that the "molecular idea" used in culinary can be found way back before 1988. Anyway, you can search more articles for this subject on the net, if you are interested in, but this method is fact! I now see that this way for preparing drinks is more and more penetrating the cocktail world and giving new ways, which endue the look of drinks, the sensations and taste they leave after you sample a sip or swig (at least these are the effect that molecular mixologists are trying to achieve).

Okay now take a look at this 2 videos in which Xavier Herit and Eben Freemen are using the molecular mixology. (See you after them)

And the second one

Quite interesting and innovative eh? My opinion on this is that there is still so much that isn't done in mixing drinks and you don't need some molecules, syringes, chemistry flasks and such, to make your cocktail look awesome and taste astounding!. I really like to talk with my patrons, doing some working flair, smiling  and make people have fun, when sitting at the bar instead of wearing safety glasses, when preparing drinks for others! I prefer fresh fruit pieces to float in my drink, not some gelatinized balls which I really don't have a clue what are they made from.
Even presented so long ago The Mojito still look wondrous when made properly, and it's strange (to me) to order a Strawberry Margarita and receive my garnish in a plate! There are so much more other crazy examples, how nice drinks are propagated improperly by companies for their own profit. Just don't get me wrong here, I'm open to the new trends and ways for providing better drinks and better services, but to me all this molecularity just looks a little bit mincing, flashy and pernickety.
See ya in the next post!
(picture taken from here)

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